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Cookie tin alarm

مبتدئ | MakeCode, Python | شاشة LED, مستشعر الضوء | أجهزة الاستشعار, التحديد, رقم وقيمة المكان

الخطوة 1: اصنعها

ماذا يعني؟

Has anyone been in your cookie tin? You can program your BBC micro:bit to act as an alarm to let you know! You will learn about selection, comparison logic, and the micro:bit's light sensor.

هذان الفيديوهان يعرضان لك ما ستصنعه وكيفية برمجته:

كيف يعمل ؟

  • The program turns the micro:bit’s LED display into a light sensor.
  • Put your micro:bit into the tin you wish to protect. When the lid is opened, the light sensor detects a change in light level and triggers the alarm.
  • The program uses an infinite loop to keep sensing the light level.
  • Selection ('if... else') and comparison logic (> 30) are used so that if the light level is above a certain amount, an angry face appears on the display; else, it clears the screen.

ما تحتاجه

  • المايكروبيت (micro:bit) (أو محاكي MakeCode)
  • محرر MakeCode
  • battery pack

الخطوة 2: برمجها

1from microbit import *
3while True:
4    if display.read_light_level() > 30:
6    else:
7        display.clear()

الخطوة 3: حسّنها

  • Adjust the program, removing the "else" part of the comparison, so that the angry face remains on the micro:bit’s display whatever the light level so that you can tell someone has opened your tin.
  • Add an audible alarm using blocks from the music section of the MakeCode editor.
  • Count how many times your tin has been opened by introducing a variable into the program.
  • If you have two micro:bits, use the radio function to send you a signal as soon as your tin has been opened. Take a look at the light alarm project to find out how to do this.