Teen uses micro:bit to allow visually impaired to share texts
Student programs BBC micro:bit to allow visually-impaired to share texts
Ghassen in Tunisia created an innovative solution that uses braille to allow visually impaired people to share text messages. The do your :bit judges were impressed with the well-constructed prototype and solution for people who would not be able to participate in an activity that many of us take for granted.
This creative idea is the winning entry in the 2021 15 to 18-year-old category for Africa. It aimed to solve an issue related to Global Goal 3, Good health and well-being.
Ghassen demonstrating his invention
The do your :bit challenge is an annual competition which sets young people the challenge to innovate and design solutions relevant to the impacts of the Global Goals that are meaningful to them.

Ghassen with his invention
Children and young people innovating with technology
The do your :bit challenge adds social purpose to digital learning and allows students to apply their digital skills to real world solutions. All projects and lesson resources are available for free and entries can be submitted into two age-range categories, 8 to 14-year-olds and 15 to 18-year-olds. 8 to 14-year-olds can submit either a paper prototype or working micro:bit solution.
Read about all of this year’s winning entries.
The next do your :bit challenge opens in early 2022, you can find out more about the challenge and access Global Goals project resources and lessons here.